Thursday, February 23, 2012

Project Update: Microsoft Robotics @ Home Competition

I'm competing in the Microsoft Robotics @ Home competition as 1 of 10 finalists, and a couple weeks ago I finished assembling the robot they shipped me. The goal of the competition is to write software to run on the Eddie robot platform that allows the robot to help people in their homes. I'm working on writing code to allow the Eddie robot to serve as a security guard by conducting autonomous patrolling around the home. It will use the Kinect sensor for facial recognition to determine if people it detects in your home are just friends or family or actually potential robbers. I'm also working on getting the robot to use the home's Wi-Fi network to make Skype calls so it can alert the home owners if it detects unfamiliar people.

For more information on the Microsoft Robotics @ Home Competition:
For more info on the Parallax Eddie Robot:

Here's a picture of the robot fully assembled! Now, back to the software...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Hello and welcome to my new blog! I'll be using this to post updates to the various projects I am currently working on.